For what it's worth, Chris, when I was considering a colour change for
der Rolfwagen, my two equal-first preferences were for a very dark brown or ditto green over a pale to mid interior.
I had settled (more or less) on an interior range inclusive of parchment, saffron, palomino (Boris's trim), light palomino, bambu, beige, light beige, wheat, or
cognac [fave]. Carpet to suit.
My preferred paint colours were (my
firm choice was (remains) for solid colour,
not metallic):
1. dunkeltabakbraun 423, brasilbraun 409, havannabraun 408, topazbraun 424, and
dunkelrotbraun 460 [fave; Note: Ponton / Adenauer colour].
2. dunkeloliv 291, mangogrün 875, blaugrün 268, or dunkelgrün 221; none of those was quite right -- what I really wanted was a
dark "British Racing Green". A green as solid and near-black as is Boris's dunkelblau.
There was a particular W109 combination (and one example of a Pagoda) of a deep brown over cognac/bambu that seemed just right. I've linked some paste-ups below from my colour search.
I suppose there's dunkelblau; or perhaps a deep red (like at least three US-built examples). You're the one who has to live with your choice -- make it yours and bugger what anyone might think. I'm with you, though, that the pale interior and the excess of chrome need a deep, rich paint colour for best balance.
In the end, I decided to stay with
der Rolfwagen's original scheme because I couldn't find quite the right paint colour, and to make a change for the sake of it yet not be satisfied seemed silly, and my concerns about driving inside a large, dark avocado began to not matter, as I have no plans to make my Crayford a daily driver. Further, in all the pics I've seen of W116 Crayford estates, there's only one yellow example -- so far. So ahorngelb (maple yellow) 606 over avocado it stays.