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  • c107
    c107 reacted to BenzBoy's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Haha Haha.
    When you are bored with your blue baby do please let me know....
  • BenzBoy
    BenzBoy reacted to Patrick_R's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Like Like.
    Some great work here mate.
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to c107's post in the thread 79 280SE with Like Like.
    My old 280SE is doing well in its new ownership, the owner being a MBCNSW member who has put around 7,000km on the car since he...
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to Patrick_R's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Like Like.
    Some great work here mate.
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to BenzBoy's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Haha Haha.
    When you are bored with your blue baby do please let me know....
  • Michel
    Michel reacted to c107's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Like Like.
    Recently I replaced the plastic grille insert: I also replaced...
  • Patrick_R
    Patrick_R replied to the thread C107's 1981 240D W123.
    Some great work here mate.
  • Patrick_R
    Patrick_R reacted to BenzBoy's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Like Like.
    When you are bored with your blue baby do please let me know....
  • Patrick_R
    Patrick_R reacted to c107's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Haha Haha.
    And I re-installed the Becker 596 with hidden bluetooth box. Driving a classic MB without a becker is like going to france and not...
  • Patrick_R
    Patrick_R reacted to c107's post in the thread C107's 1981 240D W123 with Like Like.
    Turns out the aux fan is dead. The relay clicks, but the fan does not come on even when the relay is bypassed. So new fan on order...
  • Patrick_R
    Patrick_R reacted to c107's post in the thread 79 280SE with Love Love.
    My old 280SE is doing well in its new ownership, the owner being a MBCNSW member who has put around 7,000km on the car since he...
  • BenzBoy
    BenzBoy replied to the thread C107's 1981 240D W123.
    When you are bored with your blue baby do please let me know....
  • BenzBoy
    BenzBoy reacted to c107's post in the thread 79 280SE with Like Like.
    My old 280SE is doing well in its new ownership, the owner being a MBCNSW member who has put around 7,000km on the car since he...
  • c107
    c107 replied to the thread 79 280SE.
    My old 280SE is doing well in its new ownership, the owner being a MBCNSW member who has put around 7,000km on the car since he...
    • 2025-02-27 23-07-34.jpeg
  • c107
    c107 replied to the thread C107's 1981 240D W123.
    Recently I replaced the plastic grille insert: I also replaced...