Car of the week

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The Godfather
The frontal aspect of the car is brilliant - brutish looking, with plenty of purpose. Some of the side views are also more than acceptable, but when it comes to the rear aspect, it leaves me cold. Garish, overpowering and devoid of elegance.

The interior nice, but very sombre. Compare with the other cars featured by Patrick, such as the Ferrari (in particular), and also the jaguar and Maserati. Regards Styria


The Godfather
The Ferrari 360 - very elegant, lovely colour, brilliant interior, and its shape reminds me of the Jaguar XJ220. Pricewise -for what it is - fairly reasonable. Regards Styria

Regarding the tool roll - quite modest, especially when compared with the tool roll in my Gleaming Beauty - yes, she's still alive, starts first kick each and every time.
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Grand Master
Claremont Meadows
Yes mate.
The C6 is a magnificent car in its own right, top work has gone into this for sure.
Styria, I like the back end most, the front is ok, but I am an arse man :D

I do have to agree with Styria on the interior.
With all of the engineering, design and top effort on the outside, to just put the stock C6 dash is a bit of a let down.

For that money,
I would buy the following
One of these for the design & beauty


And one of these just because it is F#@*$*G AWESOME
And I would probably have a couple of dollars left to celebrate with a schooner of brew.


Would you please post an image of your cars tool roll, I have never seen one of these before.


The Prince of Arabia
Sydney, Australia


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
Spot on Brian.
A mate of mine who deals in older cars has all calls and emails just stop dead as everyone is ready to sell not buy.
Yes; that would be right. I am keeping my eye on a couple of cars to see if I can get a better price. One though is in Tasmania and I can't inspect it - if the price falls a little more I am prepared to buy it sight unseen, There is nothing mechanical that can't be fixed with a little money and determination.


Grand Master
Claremont Meadows
Have you spoken to the seller Brian?

I bought the Corona sight unseen, however I did speak to him about 4 times.

Just have some good questions ready written down so you don’t forget.


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
Have you spoken to the seller Brian?

I bought the Corona sight unseen, however I did speak to him about 4 times.

Just have some good questions ready written down so you don’t forget.
Yes I have and they are in a far corner of Tasmania so it's unlikely to sell at this point.
We'll see what happens as I don't believe there is any rush to finalise matters, Who know: I may get bitten by the Toyota Bug and want one just like you...


The Godfather
Talking about the 300SE Sedan that Patrick found. I can add a fair bit more to this post as I did own the 1966 300SE Lang version ! It might constitute a good yarn talking about this car and the one I used to own. More later. However, at one stage and some years ago, rumour had it that there was only one Lang example registered for road use in Germany. Regards Styria

N.B. In addition, Craig S. would be the perfect person to talk about restoration of the 300 engine, as found in the Adenauer versions, and also the 300SL (about 1961), the Gullwing and the various versions of the Heck tail 300s built between 1962 and 1966.


Okay, as I have already said, I did own the 1966 300SE "Lang" version for about seven years and 100,000 miles. It was a great family car, with a huge boot (as in all Finnie models), self levelling suspension and a "noisy engine" on account of its all Alloy construction, but as speeds would build up, so disappeared that noisy engine. It was not an easy car to work on, as evidenced by the picture hereunder of one of Carl Middlehauve's cars that's gone through his hands.

This picture clearly illustrates just some of the complexities of the engine -apart from some very minor changes (LHD vs. RHD) what you see is what I had in my car. A major bugbear - that huge York Air Con Compressor that just so successfully restricts access to the Generator, and also the Water Pump that sits at the side of the engine block and is driven by a flexible coupling connected to said Generator- the fitting of the last named - very unique in that it abuts against a cradle bolted to the block, and a metal band then secures the Generator to the cradle. The Generator is huge - Mercedes probably had the same arrangement on its trucks in the fifties.

Also, the Starter Motor was very unique to this model (the M189 engine range) and I vividly recall the cost of reconditioning a unit back in the latish '70s - a cool $1300.00 which was a lot of money then - well, even today. A feature of the Engine related to the head - all flat, with expansion chambers provided by specially machined "concave" pistons. It was all a work of art, almost. Another feature was a hydraulic, engine oil filled cooling fan boss that would only come in when the engine oil attained certain temperatures. One of abl 567 friends owns a later model (CH. 109) which is just about a younger brother to my "Lang" version. Very rare, but I wonder how long it will take his friend to restore the car. An onerous task not lightly undertaken.

Another issue always of concern relates to the engine down pipes. I think it relates to all 6cylinder models of that era. In order to remove it, one need to move it towards the front of the car to be able to disengage the whole exhaust system from the exhaust manifolds. In those days MB used to slip joint connections. I had similar on my Gleaming Beauty (6.9) but one of my first jobs when acquiring the car was to fit flanges between front and rear mufflers, and further flanges securing the front exhaust pipes to the engine down pipes. Anyway, have a good look at Carl's details - his website is full of absolutely precious information and photos. Regards Styria

N.B. BTW, it had a five core Behr Radiator !
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