When I first started reading the thread, I thought to myself "what an accurate way to assess and test the legitimacy of a used car". It was a first class report, and of course little did I realize that you had in fact gone ahead and purchased the car. I think it looks like an excellent buy - in fact, it is really a screaming bargain.
I won't read Matt's report again as I can still remember his reasons for buying the 'povo' version (as Oscar would have called it), the main being the comparative lack of gremlins that can rear their head with the more upmarkret models - not that there is anything wrong with a 280 version of what is still a sophisticated car in a number of areas.
You have done very well.
Regarding the 'Schlachtschiff" - it is "DAS" and not "DER'. Don't worry, that is one of the most peculiar idiosyncracies of the German language - getting the grammatical "sexes" correct - you either get it right, or you don't. Just one of those things. Regards Styria
N.B. In the olden days, when Yugoslavs would flee their country to settle in Austria, you could always pick their origin - the harshness of their accent and they never knew for sure whether it was Der, Die or Das. We used to call them "Windisch'. To this day, I still don't know the meaning of that term.