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The Godfather
It was Friday, about ten or eleven days ago, and I was feeling pretty smug having been to the Coolabah Hotel where an attractive female offered to pay for my main meal. I am not sure what prompted her action, as I was nicely dressed, did not have a half starved appearance and, of course, those that know me will testify that I don't look like say, Cary Grant or some other handsome little devil that could set a woman's heart on fire. She was about 38 to 42, but I did decline and handed her a $20.00 note which she reluctantly accepted. Beautiful woman - she must have thought that I didn't have ten cents to rub together. Who knows.

Anyway, off to Merrylands Shopping Centre absolutely on a real "high" - you know what I mean or are you fellows too old to appreciate my sojourn in Paradise ?

It was six o'clock and closing time, and cars were disappearing at the rate of knots. I'll now take you back to Penrith Markets that I had visited about two weeks prior where I do business with a Watch Repairer who now looks after my moderate stable of wrist watches - nothing like Benz Boy and Patrick have in their collection, but simply a Raymond Weil (beautifully delicate), a nice Seiko that operates from light energy, a Hugo Boss given to me by family (my boys) when I became an Octogenarian, as well as an '80s' Rado (operates on movement of wrist), a MIKE - now there is a name, but a Fairfield markets Special (it is nevertheless elegant and WORKS) and a little Fake Watch the name of which adorns Ferrari Formula 1 cars - someone help me with the name. Anyway, the Watchie guy will change your battery for $9.00, does not charge you for removing links, serviced another Raymond Weil for $200.00 (try probably 5 to 6 in the big end of Town - hallo Billy Shorten - anyone remember him ? ), did a major service on my Seiko that requires special parts (again at a reasonable price) and serviced the Rado for $100.00, at Shopping centres $300.00 and he is just a great and decent guy to deal with.

Whilst at Fairfield Markets, I came across a Mobile Key Supplier and he made up for me a spare key for the Captiva to just open the door locks, but no chip for the Ignition. It was $20.00 (Mr. Minit $29.00) and don't be a naughty, stupid boy and start the car - only use it for opening doors. I guess you know what's coming. So here I am, in the shopping centre, pull out the spare Penrith originated key, and hey presto, inserted it into the Ignition lock, turned with the happy lights coming on but obviously, it would go no further to engage theStarter Motor. Oh hell, what have I done, you stupid so and so . anyone relate to this ? Of course, first reaction is to retrieve/remove the key but, hey, hey, no go. No amount of pushing, twisting, shoving, praying, cursing would let me retrieve the fake key. The kind female at the hotel was ripped from my heart to be replaced by.....what will I do know ? Who ? What ? Bloody Hell, you idiot but, of course, none of that helped. I did not want to locate the NRMA - not only am I not a member but, in the majority of instances, they will only help you to get the car to a place of your choosing - forget someone throwing you a bunch of keys, here you are, too easy....... Well, not really good enough - who hasn't gone home at six on a Friday afternoon. This had now become Desperation Stakes. Ah, how about the aforementioned Hassan, the Auto Electrician. Would he answer the phone - well, to my surprise he did. Hassan, matie, I need your help bad, I'm stuck in the Shopping Centre and I explained everything to him.

Well I cannot help you, said Hassan," but I could text you the number of a Locksmith that I have sparingly used in days gone by". So buddy, good luck were his parting words. and this brings George into the picture. Luckily enough, there was a voice at the other end asking me what was the problem. After explaining all I knew, he told me that he was at Liverpool, but would text me once close to the Shopping Centre. He said, about an hour. That was music to my ears, so I grabbed a chair from one of the closed Coffee Lounges and sat in the cool, playing with my phone and anxiously peering through the Glass Doors for traces of George and, presumably, a Van he would be driving. Sure enough, after about one and a half hours, he rang me as I could see a Van approaching - well, that had to be him......and so it was. I explained everything to him (as one would), he opened his van, grabbed a spanner (to disconnect battery terminal), a Phillips Head screwdriver. In no time, the steering colums was exposed, he removed the lock with my dummy key still in it, and showed me why the spare key could not be removed from the lock. It simply could not be pushed down far enough to bypass the internal locking feature when switching from the accessory position. So, he cut back and smooth filed part of the plastic had which then allowed him to push down far enough to turn the key back to the removal withdrawal position. It duly worked, the key was out, he reinstalled the lock and, refitted the steering column shrouds, inserted my Captiva key, connected the battery and........it fired the engine immediately. This guy George was a perfectly delightful person, very courteous and very methodical in his approach to removing the various components. All this took about half an hour, and the man was very happy to accept payment by way of card. So, his name is..........

GEORGE - a great person and his MOBILE NUMBER is 0408 704 704 Regards Styria
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Grand Master
Claremont Meadows
What a scary story with a terrific ending Styria, a very enjoyable read.
What a nice young man George proved to be.
Good and courteous service is pretty uncommon these days in the automotive world, and that‘s why we keep hold of people once we see their worth to us, and potentially others.
George is a keeper.


The Godfather
It is certainly worth the effort to safekeep his contact details. I was just so pleasantly surprised..........Apart from being relieved to actually be able to drive the car home. I had visions of having to leave the car overnight, come back next day and do what ? I simply could not think of any solution. Regards Styria


The Prince of Arabia
Sydney, Australia
Was George (being recommended by Hassan) also from Lebanon? 😁


The Godfather
Hi Michel, strange that you should be asking me for this. I did have a meaningful conversation with George after he completed his job. I have to admit that I did not pick him to be from that country, but thought more of him as being European. He spoke differently, he looked German or Italian, but no, he is also from Lebanon - much to my surprise, I have to admit. Both George and Hassan are cracker jack tradesmen that I have no hesitation to recommend. Another Tradie I was very happy with was the Tow Truck Operator you recommended. A thorough gentleman, very efficient and punctual, and he also hailed from your country. It was Jerry that recommended him, and for this I was most grateful. It's good to be able to deal with tradespersons that know their work, are fair with pricing, and will turn up punctually. Regards Styria


It seems like a horrific experience you have had in the room but an automotive locksmith has done a splendid job. I am sure you have saved the details of that person to call back in future if an emergency arises.


The Godfather
When one comes across Tradies that know their work and turn up on time or as promised, you treat them like pure Gold - not easy to come by these days. Regards Styria

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