Fanciful packaging - car care

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The Godfather
I'd be interested to hear from guys that "love their cars to death' and able to give preferably qualified opinions in relation to exterior car and paint care.

Firstly, Panel Beater's clay. Those who have used it will more than likely testify how, so cunningly, it can remove surface impurities in paintwork. Sure, not as good as a 1500 cut-back and buff, but nevertheless a great product to use. The question I have is this: Does it, after SEVERAL applications, over a period of time, affect the basic quality and durability of your paintwork ? I have been told that it doesn't, but would be grateful for further qualified and informative opinions.

Secondly, synthetic chamois. Again, interested in knowledgeable opinions. With due respect to whoever, I am not particularly interested in any proclamation along the lines 'that only a true chamois should touch anyone's car' - it'd be like someone telling me that they only dust the interior of their car with white gloves on.

For years, not lately of course, I would buy the King Size Kanebo Chamois. At the time, I bought five or six from Grace Bros. at Parramatta at about $14.00 each. Say, some ten years ago, and I am now on my last "good one" - you know, nice and clean, and I have always liked the soft and smooth texture. Alas, it would appear that this brand is no longer available, so I turned to the most nicely packaged unit, produced by none other than MEGUIAR'S. You know, nice red and black colour scheme, and the large one cost me about twenty four smackeroos - $s to our overseas friends. Frankly, not only am I disappointed with its lack to thoroughly absorb all moisture and, in fact, is definitely no better than the old Kanebo unit.

You know, I mean, when one looks at the selection of products on the automotive shelves, all beautifully packaged in various colours with all fanciful names and descriptions, at more than grossly inflated prices, are we getting good value or are we, again, being used as a cash cow ? Frankly, I am disappointed with the Meguiar chamois. Regards Styria


New Member
Perth Western Australia
Never used Panel beaters clay - always used 1500 or even 2000 grit and then power or hand cutting compound.

I have never met a synthetic chamois that I liked.

The best chamois is a well loved Genuine one that is many years old and has shrunk (?ground down) to about half original size.

I have two of them and although they start as rock hard I chuck them in the dogs water bucket before I start washing the car and they work brilliantly when I ring them out and start using them.


P.S. new ones improve dramatically after a run through the washing machine using detergent.


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
"I have two of them and although they start as rock hard I chuck them in the dogs water bucket before I start washing the car and they work brilliantly when I ring them out and start using them." Miss Olga would have a fit if I did that!!! :eek:
Anyway. I use synthetic chamois cloths and they are OK - natural is superior. What I find to be brilliant are the premium microfibre cloths both for washing and polishing. There are several brands available - Enjo, Swissvax etc. They last for years and go through the washing machine when dirty. I also use a silicone blade to wipe water off the car before I dry the surface. No; it will not scratch so long as the surface is clean.
I have had very little success with Meguiars clay but great success with the Swissvax one. I would not use a clay bar more than two or three times though as the contaminents may scratch. I prefer to use Swissvax cleaning agent so I can replace the cloth as soon as it is dirty.
I used to use the old 3 step range from Meguiars but that is no longer available in Australia. In fact, because I indicated my displeasure at the dropping of what was a good range of products, they gave me the last 5 litre pack of Canauba wax as compensation. No-one else wanted it beacuse it was too hard to use.
Styria, when I clean the inside of the Spirit I do wear gloves - especially when I polish the wood just to avoid fingermarks. I use no product on the glass - just the correct microfibre cloth.
I never cut the paint with paper - I only ever use a non-scouring action chemical cleaner on an orbital buffer.
Am I qualifies to comment? Well, the trophy cabinet in my office would suggest I take the matter seriously.
By the way, Enjo Marble Past works wonders on a muffler...
Having said all that, I know one gentleman who uses the ordinary TutleWax and an old nappy to polish his Bentley MkVI and he has never failed to take the immediate post war class.


New Member
Perth Western Australia
"I have two of them and although they start as rock hard I chuck them in the dogs water bucket before I start washing the car and they work brilliantly when I ring them out and start using them." Miss Olga would have a fit if I did that!!! :eek:

I would expect Miss Olga to sip from crystal.

My Black Standard Poodle "Coco" and Great Dane "Molly" are outside dogs who live a rural outdoor life and return home with Foxes and Kangaroos.

I couldn't imagine they would even notice a chamois in the water bucket especially as I always flush and refill the bucket after I finish.

I think you would be surprised at what Miss Olga would be capable of on a "Girl's night out".:eek:



The Godfather
I would expect Miss Olga to sip from crystal.

My Black Standard Poodle "Coco" and Great Dane "Molly" are outside dogs who live a rural outdoor life and return home with Foxes and Kangaroos.

I couldn't imagine they would even notice a chamois in the water bucket especially as I always flush and refill the bucket after I finish.

I think you would be surprised at what Miss Olga would be capable of on a "Girl's night out".:eek:


:D...especially with Coco and Molly straining at the leash..why, two suitors at once - Olga would think that all stars arrived at once ! (Coco and Molly - male or female ? Hard to tell these days). Regards Styria


The Godfather
Well, I am comparing like with like - synthetic with synthetic and honestly, even just using it this morning on the Statesman, the Meguiar chamois leaves me cold - moisture marks all over the body and glass areas. Tomorrow I'll try the Kanebo unit to see if it is any better.

Bill, I haven't used a leather chamois for forty years, and at the time I thought it was a nothing product. However, after your experience, I will buy one and see what it is like.

BenzBoy, will reply to your part of the thread as soon as I get an opportunity. Regards Styria


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
Well, I am comparing like with like - synthetic with synthetic and honestly, even just using it this morning on the Statesman, the Meguiar chamois leaves me cold - moisture marks all over the body and glass areas. Tomorrow I'll try the Kanebo unit to see if it is any better.

Bill, I haven't used a leather chamois for forty years, and at the time I thought it was a nothing product. However, after your experience, I will buy one and see what it is like.

BenzBoy, will reply to your part of the thread as soon as I get an opportunity. Regards Styria

No Styria; you are not necessarily comparing like with like. There are different grades of synthetic chamois. I also have a Kanebo one and a Meguiars one. I use them for mopping up spills in the car but they are useless for wiping down the car. I also have a proper synthetic chamois (brand unknown - bought from a detailing friend) which cost me about $40 and it is nothing short of excellent. It is not as good as a real tanned hide one though.

John S

New Member
l would like to comment on the Panel Beater's clay, as it is a product that I am very impressed with due it it's non abrasive nature. 1500 wet & dry and Panel Beater's clay are for two totally different uses, the W & D product is great for smoothing imperfections in the paint, but Panel Beater's clay will actually take dirt out of the pores of the paint, much to my surprise as I did not know that dirt could become absorbed into / held within the paint structure.

As the Concours Preparation day at Club Concours, Sam Movisio had a microscope of sufficient magnification so as to see the paint structure, so we could view where the paint had been "clayed" and where it hadn't - the difference was plainly obvious. The clayed area felt glass smooth, the non clayed area felt normal - the difference in smoothness is really obvious!! I shall continue to clay my car once or twice a year to keep the paint "smoooooth".


Super Moderator
I've used the clay bar process on the Six 3 a couple of times and am impressed with the results, it is also easier than using a deep paint cleanser.

Over the break I tried Meguiars NXT Tech Wax 2, fully flash packaging and price.

It made a big difference, was easy to use and the result was very pleasing. I am thinking the extra time I had to devote to the task also made a big difference.

I'm curious about the 2000 paper then buff process as the bonnet of my car has a few imperfections that appear to be on the surface but I'm not sure.


They seem like blisters in the clear coat, maybe from the heat of the M100?


Super Moderator
I'd like to try the Swissvax products but have not tried hard enough to track them down.


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
I found the firm in Rozelle that stocks it, which wax do I buy?
I don't know about the firm in Rozelle. I get mine from a specialist in Leichhardt who gets his direct. I would expect that something like the Onyz would be appropriate and you must use the cleaner liquid first.
I did an interesting comparison when I first stated using it. I polished one half of the boot lid with Meguiars Show Car Glaze 7 and then Yellow Wax and the other half with Swissvax. I tried all different sorts of lighting but I could not tell the differencence in shine. However, a polishing duster left sitting on the Meguiars' side would stay put on the slight slope of the lid. It would glide off the Swisswax side. Two weeks later I could see the Swissvax side was cleaner and had greater depth than the other side.
BTW, Autosol of pretty good for the muffler too. :D


Byron Shire NSW Australia
Brian: I checked all four pages of the Swissvax site and could find no reference to the presence (or absence) of silicone in their products. (I'm anti-silicone for my cars.)

Do you know if Swissvax products contain silicone?

I am close to running out of my usual stuff - mostly Mother's Pure Canauba Wax and supporting products (Megiar's stinks like the Avon lady!) - and was going to try Bowden's for its reputation of being specially formulated / suited to Oz climatic conditions.

Has anyone here tried the Bowden's Own range - - of Oz-specific, silicone-free car-care products?


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
Gordon, As far as I know Swissvax contains no silicone. They claim only natural products but what is natural? It does smell good enough to eat. The wax I use contains passionfruit oil and you can smell it - and no, it does not smell synthetic.
When you get the full Swissvax book they advise against silicone products.


Byron Shire NSW Australia
Gordon, As far as I know Swissvax contains no silicone. They claim only natural products but what is natural? It does smell good enough to eat. The wax I use contains passionfruit oil and you can smell it - and no, it does not smell synthetic.
When you get the full Swissvax book they advise against silicone products.
Thanks, Brian. :)


New Member
Interesting to read that some people like to use a chamois.

Here's something to try;

1. Take a new CD and get it nice and wet
2. Dry the data side of it with your chamois
3. Inspect the CD for marring and swirls
4. Throw away the chamois
5. Buy some Waffle Weave MicroFibre towels


Byron Shire NSW Australia
Brian: Thanks for the vid. I've seen it - or a very similar one - before. But what bothers me is that "Paul" is doing it all out in the open air (okay, it's London and cloudy, but I did catch a glimpse of a little piece of blue sky reflected in the Bentley's bonnet). Surely one wouldn't normally perform a £5000 wash / polish / wax anywhere but indoors, under shelter? Seems a tad incongruous. :confused:

And is he using Swissvax products? The brief glimpse I got of a container appeared to have a design and colour scheme similar to the Swissvax.

Boris (116) is soon to face hail-damage repairs and a complete exterior makeover, so I want to treat the new finish the best way possible (and affordable) from the beginning. Others of my cars are also in line for renewed exteriors over the next year or so, so Boris can be the proof case of a new cleaning regime.


Grand Master
Sydney - Centre of Civilisation
Some, if not all, of those products are Swissvax Gordon - those in the black and red containers at least.
Zymol is very similar to Swissvax and I believe was created as a copy of Swissvax by people who worked for what was then the Swissol brand resulting in all sorts of litigation. Probably Zymol is just as good.One of the things I like about Swissvaz is that it is still a family owned company.
I am not keen on the Swissvax leather cleaner as it is just too weak for the kind of dirt I get in the car and I use a home brew based on white spirits and menthol instead.
A number of people here think I am a little cracked (well I am but in other ways :D) to be using such an expensive product but from my own empirical observations I know the system works. In fact, it works so well I threw out all of my Meguiars stuff except for their cloth cleaner spray.
I would assume that the video was shot outdoors just for convenience. The owner of the black Arnage made me cringe just a tad...:eek:
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