If it was with the Lambda then that is the one I mean.
The VSSC car for display, discussion and looking at next Tuesday's meeting is the Bugatti that was at Eastern Creek.
You mean this one, let us know the full story, is it an original or a rebuild?
http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk272/Rev-Head_photos/Other car stuff/BugFiacre.jpg
As far as I remember L'Ebe Bugatti was a horsey type who had a favourite Fiacre carriage and ordered a Bugatti to be built - a Type 40 I think - with similar bodywork, hence the model became known as the 'Fiacre' but how many were built? Where is the original? At Mulhouse maybe?
Your mission tomorrow night, should you choose to accept it, is to find all the answers to these questions.
Thank you,
and goodnoght,
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