Well, the concours came and has gone. I did take some photos, but have presently difficulty in transferring those photos onto my PC. Something to do with my new Windows 7 programme. Unfortunately Tim missed out - the competition was absolutely red hot. I did take the opportunity to examine tim's concours efforts in some detail - he did a great job, and the car was a credit to him. As I said, there was some stiff competition.
It was a magnificent day - beautiful sunshine, gorgeous venue and a wonderful array of cars on display. I entered Gleaming Beauty in the modified class, and after an epic battle with the other car, she finished a close second daylight margin to the winner.

. Okay, 2nd better than third, but just in case you missed it, there were just the two cars in Class 21. Thus, to a certain degree my efforts were meaningless, but that aspect is of little importance. It was the fact that quite a number of people expressed their appreciation of the condition and general appearance of GB, and I took those compliments with both hands. I also saw CraigS with his magnificent 300 Adenauer - how beautiful can beautiful be - just look at his car. No doubt, this man knows his stuff. Pictures to follow in due course.
BTW, when leaving the venue, someone asked me what GB sounds like with the special exhaust system. Thus, once I had a clear road ahead, it was first gear and some crescendo for about two to three hundred meters. Changed up to second approaching the long hill, and once the power band hit two and a half, all hell broke loose. I know, I know - it sounds stupid and childish, but honestly.....I am not kidding. So that was the day that was. Very enjoyable. Regards. Styria