Car of the week

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and 111/116/123/124/126
My take on the Lloyds lots coming up:

Lot 295 220SEb Coupe: This one has been up a few times now. See the april auction for example. Its had restoration work, but not really sure of the quality and overall I'm not a huge fan of this car despite liking the model overall. Might actually sell this time as its well over the price it got in April (36k) with 9 days to go. I wouldn't pay much more than current bid.

Lot 297: 220S Finny: Nice old finny with a great red interior and aftermarket A/C. Wheels are now 14" with ancient michelin tyres, so clearly its not been used for years and years. I like this car. Looks like it was made in Germany, not Australia. These later 220s are nicer than the 230s models that replaced it.

Lot 300: 300SEL 3.5 W109: Needs full restoration. Apparently running, but air suspension needs full overhaul. Thankfully, has not been butchered with a W108 interior. It's going to need a retrim as the leather is past simple patina, so I hope its done properly with proper W109 seats and not W108. Wood looks nice. This car has potential but a proper restoration will cost more than its worth when done. no reserve, so will sell.

Lot 303: 1974 450SL: Was Gina Rineharts personal car and 21st B'Day present. Attractive signal red colour, although with the 'chrome' rust covers fitted. In generally nice condition other than the gaudy chrome wheels. Strange aftermarket window switches fitted. I wonder if it was sold with manual windows and some aftermarket kit added later. It's also had an armrest fitted, which would get in the way of the handbrake. O(verall quite nice.

Lot 304: 250C Coupe (2.8): This is another one that has been up a few times now. It's a bit tatty in places with various holes in the interior, missing grille strips etc. A/C partially disassembled.

Lot 305: 230.4/8 : very rusty rear quarter in a not particularly desirable model. Headrests from another car that don't match at all. Carpets from another model that don't fit. South african build.

Lot 306: 450SL 1974: Horrible aftermarket wheels and steering wheel. Ashtray removed for an ill fitting lighter adaptor. Drivers seat poorly repaired. Boot lid drilled for an aftermarket wing. Generally tatty

Lot 306A: 280/8: Desirable w114 ruined with poor purple paint and chopped rear springs so it looks like a DC3. Was white originally.

Lot 306B: 240D/8. Few of these left now, this one looks pretty original. Back seat very worn.

Lot 307: 450SEL. Very high KM, but decent overall condition. May be quite cheap as there is nothing that scares buyers away like a high odometer reading. Decent condition and could be a good buy at the right price.

Lot 307A: 450SLC: This is is a very nice SLC in an attractive blue with cream velour combination. Some delamination of rear screen. Overall a very nice car, one of the nicest on offer.

Lot 308: 280SE parts car: I'm surprised it has not snapped in two due to the structural rust. What a POS.

Lot 309: 450SEL 1979 - been around a few times this one. UK import milan brown with velours. I suspect the owner just doesn't get imports are worth a lot less than locally delivered cars even with the better engine they have. Has 'chrome' rust covers - which being a uk car are probably hiding a lot of rust. Back of rear seat and rear headrests completely ruined by sun. Assume its had paint as the paint would have to be pretty bad if original based on that. Says 100kmi on the clock, but assume its much higher. The description talks about the 6.9, but says this is a 4.5. odd.

Lot 309A: 1980 450SL - a nice restoration. Very nice car. No books unfortunately.

Lot 310: 280E W123 Signal red - great colour for a W123. Looks good overall. Its hard to tell as the photos are quite poor and its not clear if there are some areas of faded paint or just the way the refection is coming from the camera. No reserve.

Lot 312: 1983 300GD. I don't know anything about these so can't comment.

Lot 314: 1984 380SEC: Average condition 380SEC that is missing one of the rear seats. Drivers carpet may be missing (could be the scrunched up carpet in the boot).

Lot 315: 1984 230E: Thistle green 230E. Lot of wear on drivers seat. Waaay too much for the advertised 173k. Not a huge thistle green fan,not nearly as nice as the older silver green used on the W116 and early W123.

Lot 317: 190E 2.3-16: Average Japanese import. LHD automatic.

Lot 320: 500SEL 1988 - was up a few times before advertised as a 560, but its clearly a 500. Quite nice, no reserve. Good way of getting the power of an aussie 560 for less than half the price.

Lot 325: C200 wagon - modern, don't know about them.

Lot 327: S320 W220 - modern, don't know about them. Would get a v8 if interested in a 220.


The Prince of Arabia
Sydney, Australia
Nice review Bryce.
Thank you 🙏


and 111/116/123/124/126
Not a bad looking car at all
Surprisingly good nick under the bonnet as well.
So few of these early 280S models survive in nice shape. Our member NAB has one in WA that is very nice. A lot to like about this car from a simplicity point of view. Bullet proof M110 engine, no power windows or sunroof to cause trouble. The carby M110 makes as much power as the later emissions controlled 280SE. This one looks well looked after.

motec 6.9

Prodigal Son
The late WGB car has turned up for sale for under 35k posted add on faceplant topklasse page


and 111/116/123/124/126
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