So latest update on the SLC.
Helmet gave me some tips on the adjustment on the transmission, and turns out I had been adjusting it the wrong way. He also advised me that if the adjustment did nothing I may have a broken spring in the valve body. even on maximum adjustment no difference, so I guess that is what I have. Just have to shift it manually when I want it to move a bit faster.
Had some hot start problems, but a fuel accumulator has fixed that, and my leaky diff is now fixed with a new pinion seal. While that was being done I had the flex discs changed as they had minor cracks and the drive shaft centre support. Drive shaft had to come down anyway.
Latest thing I have been chasing down is leaks from the A/C. I took the car for a day long drive a couple of weeks ago and there was a lot of water in the foot wells, especially passenger side. I had always had a drip or two, but it must have been much worse than I thought as the carpet was soaked.
First thing to do was remove the under dash covers. was a bit like an archeological dig as I uncovered various amps, phone kit and alarm stuff. The original owners name is on the old Becker amp so I guess he must have had it out to be repaired at some point.
Taking the carpets out there is a small amount of surface rust building up on the floor that I will need to remove with a wire brush attachment and paint this section.
I assumed one of the drains is off, but they looked fine. The black goo is off the pipe work next to the heater box but I don't think that could create the amount of water I had.
next step is to run the car for 30 minutes with these areas exposed so i can see where the water has gone.
meanwhile, I have removed a lot of crappy old wiring.