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  1. abl567

    GPS Trip computer

    Over the Christmas break I went for a bit of a run in the Six 3. I was mucking around with the GPS today and found this Max comment;)
  2. abl567

    600 Pulman

    bugger, I've been close up and personal with a 600, now I simply must have one. The engineering of these cars is beyond belief.
  3. abl567

    Blocked TX Valve

    I've had some electrical problems with my A/C leading up to summer so took the easy route and dropped into a local Auto leccy who diagnosed and fixed a hot contact on the A/C relay and a corroded contact on the control fuse feeding it. Vaced it down and charged the system with 780gm 134a and it...
  4. abl567

    Work on the 6.3

    To be sure SIX 3 is ready for the 16th and refreshed after the M100 rally I've put in some hours and a handfull of bucks. I replaced all the nylon bushs in the floor shift, a sod of a job, 2 are changed from below and are an interference fit. I put them in the microwave for 10 secs, they are...
  5. abl567

    Exhaust Mods

    Thanks to the Godfather I finally got hold of a factory 6.3 rear muffler to replace the, cough, AUDI unit in place and restore the exhaust to as it should be. The 6.3 needs a cross over pipe between the pipes soon after they exit the manifolds to make power, mine had no cross over pipe, relying...
  6. abl567

    Tailshaft Vibration

    During the M100 rally I detected a vibration from the tailshaft when pushed over 90mph, the cause was alarming. I had some exhaust work done and while the car was on the hoist I checked the uni joints for play and found the Yolk bolts to the diff loose, not finger tight but loose, and one was...
  7. abl567

    New tools

    Replacing the injection pump in the 6.3 required some crows foot spanners to remove the injection lines, they also proved useful for the flare fittings on the pump These are the penultimate tool for working on a 6.3, the ultimate is...
  8. abl567

    A 6.3 at home

    I had to deliver a few bottles of cold bubbly to Karen on Friday, she was at an industry golf day, I snuck a couple of pics on this gravel drive. The one pic I regret missing was my 6.3 in front of goverment house in Sydney, my father was awarded a OAM and we all went to the presentation in...
  9. abl567

    LSD Test

    What a 6.3 can do to new Michelins on a rough concrete driveway, starting in 2nd:cool: I'm thinking that new pump is a good one:D
  10. abl567

    My M-100 Rally, Part 3

    After the Fox collection most jumped on a tram and had a look around Melbourne, Karen and I wandered up to Flinders St and had lunch at a pub:D That night we were let loose at M-B headquaters in Melbourne. Gullwing, thats me drooling in the first pic:o Pair of Maybach 280SE 3.5 Cab...
  11. abl567

    Injection pump replacement. Part 2

    I installed the spare pump today after making new gaskets and sealing with Locktite 518, great stuff. The pump went into place easily enough However it was not lined up right A few more contortions and twists and it all lined up and slide home now to set up the regulator linkage
  12. abl567

    My M-100 Rally, Part 2

    The Great Ocean Road, at sunset The convoy Mine again
  13. abl567

    Injection pump replacement.

    Just before the M100 rally the fuel injection pump on my 6.3 started to leak internally and overfill the govenor part of the pump, this results in rich running and oil running out of the pump filler tube into the valley of the engine and then onto the driveway or the hot exhaust when you plant...
  14. abl567

    My M-100 Rally, Part 1

    As the rally is no longer news, an event or anouncement I will start a new thread here and and bore you all silly with where we went, what we saw how we got there. I have posted before about the fun we had almost missing the train to Adelaide on the first day so I'll gloss over it, never mind...
  15. abl567

    Out this morning in the 6.3

    Thanks for the title idea Des:D I've been steadily preparing my 6.3 for the M-100 Rally in September, we are driving back from Adelaide after transporting the cars, and ourselves in a first class cabin :), on the train from Sydney. My first priority was to try and improve my fuel economy so I...
  16. abl567

    Attention Des[/URL]
  17. abl567

    My Fathers W202 C240

    My Dad is approaching retirement (in fact he is working for a funeral home to secure a discount some time in the distant future:D) so I am working towards taking over the servicing of his 1999 C240. The car has 156,xxx Km and is in brilliant cosmetic condition, dad is fanatical about keeping...
  18. abl567

    Rubber Mounts and Bushes

    I have recently replaced all the rubber mounts and bushes in the front and rear axles of my W109 6.3 and WOW, what a difference. (diff issues ignored for this post) Parts replaced: Motor mounts, Front sub frame mounts Trans mount Front sway bar mounts Front sub frame leaf spring bushes and...
  19. abl567

    Diff dramas

    The story starts before Christmas last year, this may be a bit long winded. #2723 had a slight whine from the driveline under power from the day 1, after about 18 months and a full throttle blast across an intersection this developed into a rumble under power and I could no longer start the car...