Search results

  1. S

    Hot start K Jetronic

    Maybe I have found the root cause of my hot start issues after trying everything else. The feed hose to the fuel distributer, down the back of the inlet manifold , has a large kink ......severely restricting the fuel flow. I want to have one made up using the original fittings.... But where...
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    connection issues

    Where would I be without my Microsoft Systems Engineer Son- In- Law ! Plagued with problems Logging on to this site (only) There was some Soft ware that had attached its self to both my wife's and my Computer, which he could not get rid of. It is still there but he accessed our down loads etc...
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    Smaller steering Wheel

    Any advice on sourcing and the viability of fitting a smaller steering to my '81 107 SL would be appreciated. I have read that the reason for the large 18 inch wheel is that in case of a power steering failure the driver can still have some control of the car. So I figure a 15 inch wheel...
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    K Jetronic O Rings

    Anyone know who stocks O Rings for K Jetronic Fuel Distributor Heads ? There are two O Rings in the Pressure Regulator Valve Assembly. They hold back the " at rest" pressure. Trying to check the resistance of the Plug Leads I found that the insides which connect to the Plugs were heavily caked...
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    Defending the modern

    In spite of all the realistic assessing of the Old verses the New, it's not all bad news. Yesterday little Wifey and I went on a 150 K outing with our New 1.4 Lt Turbo Golf. Just as comfortable and quieter than our 3 year old C Class. Biggest difference was the Fuel Consumption. '''' 4.8...
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    Scrap value

    An informative day with the Mercedes Club on Saturday at an Auburn Restoration Premises. Accessing two late model Mercedes , both had the left front wheel driven back in relative minor accidents. Also needed new F/Guards and bumpers. One insured for $45K was written off as the repair quoted was...
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    Global Shipping program

    I have been searching the Net for a reasonably priced K Jetronic Pressure Tester. For home use ,,, not a Professional Kit. Quite a few all from the States and all with shipping costs greater than the Item. In this case I found and ordered a specialised Kit for K Jetronic for $60 and $ 23...
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    Back on the Market

    My 107 280 SL is back on the Market. Now safely stored in Ant's Warehouse until I find a buyer. Advertised with Unique Cars, both in the Magazine and online. Also it will be in the Mercedes and Vintage Car Magazines. As Michel says, we just need to match the right Buyer to our Cars. Sean
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    Ant, I'm not sure if my reply was sent ok . can you please confirm when is suitable for you . Thanks sean
  10. S

    car cover

    Running my SL permanently with the top down presents a problem when left in the open over night. I had heard that a half cover was being made in Victoria , easy to slip over the passenger compartment instead of struggling with the convertible top each time. Hopefully some one knows where to...
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    too cool running

    I had decided I needed a Summer and a Winter thermostat. 72% Summer and 80% Winter. Both did the job ok. With the 72% fitted the temp. was below 80% on a cold day. Needs to be at least 85% for the heater to perform. Before I put the 80 % one back in ( heater not hot enough , top down any...
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    Not for Sale

    Little Wifey asked if the person who was so interested in my SL 107 came back with a much better offer , say $22K , would I sell it . NO ! Every time I drive it I enjoy it's refined driveability and appreciate it's superior build quality. Thanks to Styria for setting me straight...
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    low down Torque

    Even though my 280 110 engine preforms well, with good compression ,and plenty of Ignition advance, I feel the lack of low down Torque. Even with a 1st gear start 4 speed Auto I find I have to manually shift back a gear to often. The camshaft timing is 2% retarded on the exhaust and 1% on...
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    SL 107 safety

    I found an interesting Site which explained the safety features of the 107's compared to the previous SLs. Apart from the front and rear crumple zones, the strengthened A Pillars and bonded Screen passed the roll over tests for the USA market, so I guess the side impact test without Door...
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    side impact beams

    I cannot find on the Net if my '81 SL Euro has Intrusion Beams in the doors. I know that the S Class had . Also that this fitment may differ for different Countries. So Local design rules here may be different for a Euro Spec car bound for Hong Kong ????? Sean
  16. S

    No Sale

    As I have been advised .. Don't give it away .. So I've have decided to keep my 107 SL. Having spent a lot of time and money bringing the Car to as near as perfect as I "sensibly " can. Now parked in my Garage with the Golf in the driveway ( 12 year rust guarantee ) it's no problem. Now on...
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    There is another 280SL "82 listed in Carsales so I called the owner to see what response he had. Same as me , time wasters or people wanting something for nothing. I'm now starting to fully understand the comments and advice from this Forum. I was also surprised to see that there are literally...
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    107 Imports

    Just found out that 280 107's were Imported by Mercedes in the mid Seventies for a couple of years. Identifying mine as a "Private Import" seems to put people off purchasing, like it is some kind of orphan with no availability of parts. I'll remove these words from my ads to allay any fears. Sean
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    Tire Kickers

    Interesting how all the scavengers come out of the woodwork in response to a For Sale Sign on my SL. Three so far, all just interested in stealing the car, and not particularly interested in any detail , just a "steal" price. I suspect they were all small time home un- licenced Dealers. The...
  20. S

    Sale of 107 After a lot of aggravation for nearly a week , at long last my ad can be found in "unique cars" The problem was that being a Private import their Web Site does not recognise a 107 280 SL, keeps referring to early Pagola...