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  1. S

    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Clean Diesel Patrick..... how was that achieved ? Is compression ratio also in the mix ?
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    Flashing Mirrors

    Little Wifey Parks by Ear !! Has now wiped out both side mirrors. Got one on the net. Works well... I decided to open the broken one to see if it could be repaired... Was told it couldn't .....I hate being told that !!! But after the hassle I will take heed next time. Like a lot of stuff these...
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    Flashing Mirrors

    Wing Mirror..... Adjustable Flashing Mirror .. from Dealer $$$$$$$$$ + From China $ 40 for the light system in 7 Days ....... fits all changes Dismantling and replacing not for the faint hearted !! Miniature screws, many clips, many hours Many changes between 2007 and 20012.... all will...
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    The learning curve.... never stops..... till the Pine Box arrives !! Famous Violinist in late eighties was asked.... "How long did it take you to learn the Violin ? "Don't know son I am still learning" Or, quick ,quick hire a teen ager whilst they still know everything !!!
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Two car families have taken a different meaning .... EV for the City... Fossil Fuel for the Country. Our W204 C Class 85K returns about 11Lts/100K. But travels less than 6000kS/year... Wife's shopping car. Costs very little to Run...The Mitsubishi SUV Turbo, 8 in town 6 in Country. I can live...
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    For me Brian I would not have an EV for free, neither the economics or the convenience adds up My new Great Grandson perhaps . Yes, and perhaps Tiggy's solar hydrogen to the recue. here...
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Diesel ? I thought that these Engines were the enemy of Emissions and are soon to be abandoned in Europe.. My cleaner SUV Turbo Mitsubishi returns about 6 LTS P 100 Ks without an added particle Filter.. Dirty Diesels used to be the cry....They need a beefed up chassis and a more robust Auto...
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Well Patrick, nobody could even think of applying the Luddite Label to you... In retirement . what a wonderful opportunity to set yourself up as an Energy Consultant !!!! Thankyou for your time and effort to write your two informative Articles. It has dawned on me, that as with the advances in...
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Not your area Patrick... but are Volvo shooting themselves in the Foot totally ceasing ICE in their Cars. Here we are lacking the Charging Facilities to wean people off what we know.. Petrol. The Baltic Countries have ample Electric Power from Sea Wind Turbines , their major Home Market ...
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    the great leap forward

    He should try a Mitsubishi.. Eclipse Ecross with a very responsive 1.5 Lt Turbo and 8 speed CVT. Made in in it's second, much improved edition. Drives every bit as well as our excellent C Class 1.8 Turbo. After 12 years still Drives as it was new. In S Mode a Sedan Sports Car !!
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Are your Truck/Trailers Body Panels still Riveted Patrick ? Sydney Bus Panels are held together with an adhesive....... Stronger than the Metal Panels !
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    the great leap forward

    Yes Country Towns now the way to go ..... With the Internet always in touch. I would go there, probably Wollongong, a Daughter lives there with our younger Teen Age Grandchildren Sydney is now getting impossible .. But Wifey is joined at the Hip to Sydney Uni. An Academic.... always an...
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    the great leap forward

    Just love your sense of Humour Brian....... Though there is an element of truth behind it. In the Fifties Sydney was a wash with simple reliable American Cars . Large 6 cyl. side valve Engines which ran for ever, via a 3 speed Manual Gearbox. Many smooth V8 pre War Fords which had terrible...
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    the great leap forward

    Anther very useful Site on YouTube... We have a very very small Market here. In LA and probably on the East Coast as well a speciality Company is set up to rebuilds CVTs complicated Valve Bodies. They are not for the faint hearted and beyond capacity of Dealerships and most Transmission...
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    W116 with M156 engine

    I love the good natured responses to all the Posts ...nobody gets their Knickers in a Knot !!!
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    W116 with M156 engine

    Just hearsay Brian..... I heard someone say it !!
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    W116 with M156 engine

    A R. R. Merlin Engine, no not in a Merc. but in a P51 Mustang Had great Aerodynamics, but lost Power after 14,000 feet..... A Merlin Engine to the rescue... good for 35000 feet... Then was 20 MPH faster than a Spitfire same Engine.... Widest part of the Wing was 2 thirds along Spitfire was...
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    the great leap forward

    Definitely the last word Patrick...... Our Jatco CVTs Design parameters are negated if we use the Manual padel Shifts instead of Automatic. Prevents the transmission from holding the Engine at the optimum Revs for Torque and Fuel economy. Using any Transmission to brake a Car ..... "Brakes are...
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    the great leap forward

    Last word...... Clamping force for Steel Drive Belt is 900 to 1000PSI Fresh "special" oil to with stand these pressures.... dependant on the Oil Pump and the Control Valve. This is the key to a long life.... Ditto any Auto Trans within their own Maintence Specs ...
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    Patrick's Trucks ?

    Very pleasing to see that the Forum is now a Broad Church There is just so much to say about a one crop economy . Most of the old Mercs have been restored....