Perhaps in October; happy to arrange if there is interest.
October would be a good choice: Nice warmish weather, I'm mostly in town, etc...
Perhaps in October; happy to arrange if there is interest.
My suggestion would something like meet at the MacDonalds on the M4 - go the M7/M2 and up to the Bells Line of Road. Possibly a Sunday morning with a start around 8am?
If we get enthusiastic takers I will organise; if not, it will be just a good idea that never grew legs ..
Others may have different routes to suggest?
Let us know when you have dates - we are flexible until rigor mortis sets in ....I think it's a great idea. The main barrier for me will be timing. I have some international travel around oct, dates not finalised yet.
Sadly there is either little interest or people read only their own posts and don't now about this discussion....
Perhaps when we are close to a date we can start a new thread that might have more interest.
I am suitably impressed. I showed this to some of my friends in Paris and they were green with envy since a DS is now a rare sight in France.