I need a new windscreen for MB3 and just called O'Briens. It appears that the 450 screen is different from the 6.9 one. Can anyone confirm this? I asked about a tinted band & it appears the originals had some type of green tint... Fitment of a new screen is $588 using the old seal. With an aftermarket seal it's $703. I'm a bit worried about the quality of the 'new' seal they'll supply (& how long it's been sitting on their shelf), as they only have one left in stock. I have to take the car to them due to the complexity of the job. There's been a few problems reported on this site regarding the fitment of seals, leaks and rust so I'm treading very carefully. Should I source my own seal and if so from where? Are the genuine ones the best option re fitment and newer stock? I hesitate to ask how much they are; probably another case of if you have to ask, you can't afford it!!!! And I pray there's no rust under there when the old screen's removed.....