slc drawing

More threads by hoddo


northwest sydney
Heres a drawing of my car , done by my son in photoshop, and also my new avatar I made from it (first atempt at an animated giff) :)



The Godfather
Hi Hoddo, take no notice of the cheeky 'little punk'-all you do is to just re-pay him in kind!

To get serious for a moment, and it may perhaps be a little premature, could you perhaps cobble up some all up price for a 'good' quality high neck T-Shirt, sporting the name (say on the back of the shirt) and on the front, in fairly small and discreet lettering, "the website for W116 and W117 enthusiasts". I would prefer yellow, red or white T-Shirt colours, with perhaps black or dark blue lettering. If, in due course, you could PM me with price or we'll discuss by phone. Maybe 6th April, for the Show and Shine event, might be an appropriate time 'to look the part'.

Now, I would like to open this discussion to all members for their input regarding my ideas, their ideas as to what they'd like to see and details of design. Hopefully, once settled upon the design, I would be able to place a minimum order of ten units. Regards, Styria (Got to 'walk' first).


Hi Hoddo, take no notice of the cheeky 'little punk'-all you do is to just re-pay him in kind!

To get serious for a moment, and it may perhaps be a little premature, could you perhaps cobble up some all up price for a 'good' quality high neck T-Shirt, sporting the name (say on the back of the shirt) and on the front, in fairly small and discreet lettering, "the website for W116 and W117 enthusiasts". I would prefer yellow, red or white T-Shirt colours, with perhaps black or dark blue lettering. If, in due course, you could PM me with price or we'll discuss by phone. Maybe 6th April, for the Show and Shine event, might be an appropriate time 'to look the part'.

Now, I would like to open this discussion to all members for their input regarding my ideas, their ideas as to what they'd like to see and details of design. Hopefully, once settled upon the design, I would be able to place a minimum order of ten units. Regards, Styria (Got to 'walk' first).
This was a while back, but did anything happen about the T-Shirts?
Don't know about colours, but obviously we need a W116 and a W107 design.
I'll take one of each, XL please, and the more we get out there, the more chance of others finding the website too.
Chris M.


The Godfather
Hi Grease Monkey, well, we certainly went ahead due to the good graces of abl 567 who organized the shirts and the printing on them.

Hoddo could have done the same as well, and I can certainly recommend his operation as well. I went with Anthony (abl 567)for a number of unrelated reasons, but our options are open once we sell the existing stock we have on hand. Hereunder, please find the shirts as modelled by three of the most handsome turkeys on Topklasse. By the way, we have XL available at $38.00 each plus postage - I have been assured that this is a good price.



Regards Styria

s class

New Member
South Africa
Nice shirts. I think though you should stick to your day jobes and not go in for modelling ;)


The Godfather
Geez, I looked old even then - those were the heady, embryonic days of TK ! On account of geriatrics, I presently cannot recall the guy's name in the middle. However, he was an important cog in the overall scheme of things pertaining to the website. He was solely responsible for designing the site, attended to all registration and administrative tasks, he was the Moderator and Administrator - well, just about everything. In addition, also a very gifted mechanic - well, I am not certain that it was his profession, but very cluey and resourceful. In fact, he provided a huge amount of assistance when Gleaming Beauty needed a valve grind and de-coke, a herculean task accomplished without a hitch. Even after a period of some fifteen years that have elapsed since then, there has never been any trace of a water, nor oil leak.

The photo also features David now living in Queensland, and he is still a TK member signed in as 6.9 Forever. He still has his immaculate 6.9, plus a very special 450SLC, plus a daily rather more modern Mercedes driver. Nice to look back on this photo and the memories it creates. Regards Styria

N.B. One shouldn't forget Michel's kind comment !


Sunshine Coast
Geez, I looked old even then - those were the heady, embryonic days of TK ! On account of geriatrics, I presently cannot recall the guy's name in the middle. However, he was an important cog in the overall scheme of things pertaining to the website. He was solely responsible for designing the site, attended to all registration and administrative tasks, he was the Moderator and Administrator - well, just about everything. In addition, also a very gifted mechanic - well, I am not certain that it was his profession, but very cluey and resourceful. In fact, he provided a huge amount of assistance when Gleaming Beauty needed a valve grind and de-coke, a herculean task accomplished without a hitch. Even after a period of some fifteen years that have elapsed since then, there has never been any trace of a water, nor oil leak.

The photo also features David now living in Queensland, and he is still a TK member signed in as 6.9 Forever. He still has his immaculate 6.9, plus a very special 450SLC, plus a daily rather more modern Mercedes driver. Nice to look back on this photo and the memories it creates. Regards Styria

N.B. One shouldn't forget Michel's kind comment !
Still got the 6.9 and the 450SLC, Michael! Both going well and getting ongoing maintenance. Currently both awaiting gear shift linkage bushings from McStar Parts, which I'll fit next week. Small $ for a tighter shift and reliable inhibitor switch operation.


The Godfather
Good to hear from you David. I have always known that the two cars will be "keepers" in your possession as you consistently ensure that they are perfect at all times. On a personal note, if allowed. I reckon that times must have been pretty tough in those days, judging by my haggard appearance. Still, nothing surprises me. Furthermore, some of you may know that I have moved to a new home, and part of the disposal of "unwanted items" were those shorts I was wearing when that photo was taken. I didn't have the heart to pass them onto one of the Vinny's stores. They certainly stood the test of time, even if I don't mind saying so. Regards Styria
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