As from today's date, this section is now operative. Whilst it may be primarily a facility for Administration to provide information of a technical nature for members present and future, there is absolutely no restriction for members to share information of a technical nature, whether that be for mechanical purposes, or just simply road tests and other items of a similar nature. We need to play it by ear (again ) and judge matters as they come up.
Please help if you think you can. If the foregoing is not perfectly logical, no matter - as I am writing this, ideas such as they are, are still being tossed about. In the end, we will get there. Promise ! Regards Styria
Please help if you think you can. If the foregoing is not perfectly logical, no matter - as I am writing this, ideas such as they are, are still being tossed about. In the end, we will get there. Promise ! Regards Styria
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