Looking for new homes for the following manuals:
1971 - covering 100, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115. NEW !
480 pages crammed full of information. Cost $70.00 more than
ten years ago. NLA. $65.00 firm.
1975 - covering 107, 114, 115, 116. NEW ! 399 pages. I have two of
those. NLA $65.00 firm.
1969 - covering ALL models from 1964 up to 1969. USED but very good
condition. 519 pages. NLA $45.00 firm.
1981 - covering 107, 116, 126, 123. USED ! Good condition, no tears,
no missing pages, slightly finger soiled (mechanic). 600 pages.
NLA. $75.00 firm.
The information contained in those manuals is totally comprehensive, including
filling capacities and service products, tightening torques crankcases and heads, engine timing and valves, CIS system, belt drive and measurements, electrical system. ignition, manual, auto, suspension, front and rear axles etc. etc.
Cost of postage included. Please send PM with your address if interested. These books are now just about impossible to buy. Regards Styria (Mobile 0428-50-1800
1971 - covering 100, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115. NEW !
480 pages crammed full of information. Cost $70.00 more than
ten years ago. NLA. $65.00 firm.
1975 - covering 107, 114, 115, 116. NEW ! 399 pages. I have two of
those. NLA $65.00 firm.
1969 - covering ALL models from 1964 up to 1969. USED but very good
condition. 519 pages. NLA $45.00 firm.
1981 - covering 107, 116, 126, 123. USED ! Good condition, no tears,
no missing pages, slightly finger soiled (mechanic). 600 pages.
NLA. $75.00 firm.
The information contained in those manuals is totally comprehensive, including
filling capacities and service products, tightening torques crankcases and heads, engine timing and valves, CIS system, belt drive and measurements, electrical system. ignition, manual, auto, suspension, front and rear axles etc. etc.
Cost of postage included. Please send PM with your address if interested. These books are now just about impossible to buy. Regards Styria (Mobile 0428-50-1800