Not a fan of the W124 Tony?
Infact I am a fan of the 124/201 and these clips ive utilised often to demonstrate to Non believers the benefits of the 3 Point star.
2 Saab and numerous formerly smug Volvo owners all converted to Mercedes because of these 2 clips and the 80's Australian commercial featuring the family and their smashed W126 so the exact opposite.
These 2 sensationalist clips are a great way to get people to watch and absorb without seeming preachy (Can I get a Hallelujah?)
Even the Canon ball hit to the rear door had me curious to get a better look and ofcourse the structure seems unharmed with doors working with the reassuring thunk.
Id like to have seen the same on a 200 or 700 series Volvo wagon both of which i've owned, I can say confidently that neither would have survived the monster truck as well.
Oh and Vicky B-H is a Milf which helps.