Having discovered that my viscous coupling has siezed, I started to investigate replacement costs.
Ouch... most are quoting factory replacement at >$600 Australian Dollars.
It is also possible to solve this with the fittment of a pair of Thermatic Fans [in Australia - Davies Craig DC31 X 2 - will do the job plus a Thermatic Switch]. Total cost <$500.
Davies Craig make replacement Viscous Coupling Units but I haven't located an equivalent to the MB part.
I hope they can respond in the next day or so.
Fittment of the electric units would reduce noise and maintain better cooling in stop start conditions.
here should also be a benefit [very small] in fuel consumption.
Ouch... most are quoting factory replacement at >$600 Australian Dollars.
It is also possible to solve this with the fittment of a pair of Thermatic Fans [in Australia - Davies Craig DC31 X 2 - will do the job plus a Thermatic Switch]. Total cost <$500.
Davies Craig make replacement Viscous Coupling Units but I haven't located an equivalent to the MB part.
I hope they can respond in the next day or so.
Fittment of the electric units would reduce noise and maintain better cooling in stop start conditions.
here should also be a benefit [very small] in fuel consumption.