Colour Choices....

More threads by JoeB



Thinking about a new colour for Stella's interior.

I've scoured GAHH and world upholstery, and find it amazing that they don't do a package for the whole box n dice. instead they sting you for the seat, then a headrest, then the rear quarter, but you can get carpet 'sets' which includes some extra for the trimmed pieces (how much though is not quantified)

say you want a whole new colour... this means you need to change out your door panels (which are most likely past their prime) anyway. plus the foam on the seat backs probably needs refreshing, and possibly the horsehair cushions on the seat pad. you may also want to replace your headlining in both your hardtop, and soft top, but you may want to replace the soft top anyway for the hell of it,... that sonnedeck canvas is nice when its new...

then you should replace all the seals, doors, hard & soft top, and a-pillars as well (you cant leave those looking ratty with a new interior, can you?

then there are lots of little things... the clips that may have broken, or the screws that rusted or have turned out heads.... where does it all end?

well, Ideally, you could get a kit that replaced the door, soft top and cover, hardtop and a pillar seals. that leaves the boot seal and windscreen seals for later (when a stone *cough* shatters that screen, right?)

But there is no help or peace of mind in ordering the whole lot if you plan on modifying something.... or for example, need to change the dash & console vinyl (which needs to match the leather).

So do you get an extra hide and trim the console and dash in leather? or do you customize the doorcards, console and dash? oh and what about the handbrake cover, which has inevitably crumbled or cracked or distorted?

If you have designs on buying from overseas, can you trust them? Sure, but will customs then flog you on import duty?

and could a local guy take the existing trim off, unpick it and use it as templates, for your retrim, and do a better job for the same money?

For those of us who have done upholstery work before, we know that there are little differences that make the fit and finish not only correct, but even better than factory. These apparently 'small' things, can take a great deal more time.... Different stitching, two and three-tone finishes, little extra bits where it counts - these are what make the job look outstanding, but are they worth the extra expense?

These are the things you probably wont be able to do with the 'extra' bits of yardage that come in a package deal, right?

So, is it worth ordering the package, plus extra bits, or just ordering the yardage and doing the job yourself, and maybe sending the carpet away for edge binding?

The downside to all of this? what if you change your mind, or the stuff you order is not what you want? you don't have much of a choice but to wear the consequences...

There are dozens of questions which enter my head about replacing the interior in a 107. and each answer always comes with a caveat...

and in all of those questions, there is one seemingly innocuous, yet begrudgingly difficult question underlying all of the situation...

What do I change, and what do I leave original?

This is a rhetorical question.

(Purists are not required to provide any consult or advice to this last postulation, as we know that a purists' point of view is strictly one-sided). ;)


The Prince of Arabia
Sydney, Australia
my recommendation is to consult Parks 'first'.... before you order or even decide what to do.
His expertise with M-B stuff is vast and I can vouch for his superb craftmanship.


The Godfather
HI JoeB. I'll jump in before Parks does. In no way am I being critical of the questions, pnor the amount thereof, you are posing, but I honestly think that you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I understand your 'musings' and self questioning and, yes, it can all become a bit much if you're not experienced in the subject of Motor Trimming.

First thing to do is always pick your Trimmer with a proven record and appropriate references, if so re


The Godfather
HI JoeB. I'll jump in before Parks does. In no way am I being critical of the questions, nor the amount thereof, you are posing, but I honestly think that you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I understand your 'musings' and self questioning and, yes, it can all become a bit much if you're not experienced in the subject of Motor Trimming.

First thing to do is always pick your Trimmer with a proven record and appropriate references if so required of the work he has already done and that you are perhaps able to inspect first hand any of the work he has already done. Parks will easily pass muster on those counts.

Then, choice of supplier - we have dealt with GAHH for years and have hardly ever experienced any problems. The only ones we have struck was when pre-made items did not meet Parks expectations. 90% of trimmers would not have blinked an eye lid.

Then, of course, finances come into play in no mean fashion. Remember, you're dealing with a car whose replacement value if new would be close to the 150k. mark - therefore, it would be unreasonable and impossible to renew the interior for less than $5k. - if that's what one would have in mind. Not necessarily yourself.

So take some of those points into consideration if so desired, please contact Parks or myself on 0428-50-1800 or 0418-67-8858. Regards Styria
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New Member
Hi joe, I fully understand where you are coming from and sometimes its a matter of where do I draw the line, but what michel and styria have said is true, wether thats myself or another trimmer get some expert advice and pick their brains on how to go about things, and its the old saying "theres more than one way to skin a cat"....please feel free to ask any more questions....regards Parks


Super Moderator
"theres more than one way to skin a cat"....

Way of topic but does anyone know the origin of this phrase, how it came to enter the venacular? The meaning is clear but how did whoever come up with it?


Ultimately the difference between what I want to do, and what I can do with the materials at my disposal will be the only issue.

I certainly do not trust the colour swatches online, and cannot make a decision on these things without seeing the colours and feeling the materials texture.

No doubt I'll have a lot of questions....:D


New Member
hi joe, your more than welcome to drop around to my workshop and I can show you all the leather colours nd samples in the flesh, I have all the original merc colours and also carpet and vinyls etc.......regards Parks


That's a hell of a lotta stuff you've disgorged.

Most parts sales organsisations do just that .. sell parts. Parts of a whatever it is you need to repair and / or replace. Such as a master cylinder kit. This is not the same as a master cylinder 'complete'.

WHen looking to retrim your car, don't buy it as parts, you'll need to consult a 'motor trimmer'. Another benefit of doing this would be that, say you wanted to retrim your front seats, well all the leather would be of the same quality and of the same dye lot [colour]: same thing for replacing the interior carpets [all the carpeted surfaces; including centre console sides and the front knee rests].

Were one to buy a pair replacement of leather seat covers, or the various carpet items as parts, then one wouldn't be certain to get a consistent coulour for all the individual items.


Well It looks like I have some direction now. undoubtedly I have a few more issues to iron out, but I'm pretty sure that most of the hard yards were covered today, so to speak.

Thanks to Parks for taking some time out to help today, and I'm sure we'll be having a few more discussions on a whole bunch of other things too!

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