Hi Motec 6.9, I am not 'the computer guru' on topklasse, but perhaps the system I use may assist you in posting your pics. BTW, I did get your phone picture/message, and just a brief comment regarding the hose clips you are using. They are the type that "bite" into your fuel hoses. My recommndation would be for you to contact Wurth Australia and get a supply of their clips - they have no serrations and do not cut into the rubber.
Okay, posting photos, my way - there could well be better systems, but Photobucket is the one I use. So, you need to:
1. Download Photobucket - it's free. 2. Transfer your camera/phone photos to a file you need to create. I call my file "My Pictures", and store it in "My Documents", using Photo/Scanner wizard. Now your photos are in your system.
Next, open 'topklasse' and just create a thread or add to a post. On your task bar, left click to keep the site 'open'. Now open the 'Photobucket' programme and it will encourage you to 'upload your phots/images. Left click onto that prompt, and search for your photos in the 'My Pictures' file. Once your pictures are up, left click one picture, or if you wish to post more than one, hold 'control' and select all pictures you wish to submit.
That prompts Photobucket into action, and it will upload them into its filing system. Once 100% 'Completed', the pictures you have uploaded will be there for you to see. Now 'left click' photobucket on your task bar, so both topklasse and photobucket can be brought into action whenever so necessary.
To now transfer a picture from Photobucket to Topklasse, left click the bottom of four options under the picture, and left click 'copy'. Now open your thread/post in topklasse by left clicking topklasse in the task bar. This will show you your post, and then right click on a blank space under your text which will bring up a small dialogue box. Left click 'paste' and that should then show your picture once you click onto 'reply to post'. Hope all this works for you. Regards Styria
N.B. If anyone would like to add to this, or effect some improvement in whatever way, please feel free to do so.