Search results

  1. J

    Euro Headlamp Bushing DIY Replacement

    Found possible replacement for these hard to get bushings. There are three that center the reflector of two different lengths but with the same diameter. Classic Center has the shorter size, not the longer. Grainger supplies polyurethane rods of different sizes and durometer rating. The original...
  2. J

    Part Search Aide

    Just learned this very useful aide today from Jon at Classic Center. Some of you may have known this already. In the Google search bar put in the Mercedes part number. Straight. No hyphens. No spaces. No MB identifiers. Your part will show with all kinds of related info including price and...
  3. J

    6.3 At Good Price

    Craigs List, San Francisco Bay Area: A '72 6.3 with only 54K miles for $67K.
  4. J

    6.9 High Pressure Steering Hose

    In that it's NLA for the 6.9 , pleased to report that the same hose from the 126 chassis (V8) appears interchangeable. Installed one today on my 6.9 from an '85 gleaned at local Pic N' Pull. After test drive with many turns, no moaning or groaning. Length and end fittings are identical.
  5. J

    6.9 High Pressure Steering Hose

    How many bars or psi does it need to be rated at? I need to have one made. Thought i read somewhere that it's rated higher than the 450SEL.
  6. J

    Fan Clutch

    My understanding is that, unlike many cars, you cant spin the fan with engine off on a 6.9. If it wheels freely,your fan clutch is shot, correct?
  7. J

    Cannonball Run

    For aficionados of speed. New record has just been set for the NY to LA run, 27 hrs 25 min. Two guys in a tricked-out E63 AMG. Average speed 103 mph.
  8. J


    Calling Stryia...Do you read me? Over. Considering purchase of Pentas from local seller. Remember photos of yours. Looked great. What size are they and steel or alloy and were they off set? His are alloy, 16" and off set.
  9. J

    6.9 auxiliary fan test

    Any ideas on how to check if the auxiliary fan is coming on at the correct temperature?
  10. J

    560 Throttle Body onto 6.9

    Having read some past posts I believe some of you have done this and could answer some questions as I have started the project having just pulled the TB from a wrecker 560. Aware that I've got to machine a larger bore on the 6.9 intake manifold but, what about the top end, can the port on the...
  11. J

    Euro Distributor Part Number

    Would like to ask one of you Aussie guys, where the 6.9 Euro was standard fare, if you could pass along the part number off your distributor. I've got a domestic here in California and my feeble mind tells me that if I swap to the Euro distributor, I'll get a little more performance with the...
  12. J

    Wanted: Euro Spec 6.9 Distributor

    Need a Euro spec distributor here in California for my 6.9, Anybody have one or can point me in the right direction? Thanks, John
  13. J

    W126 rear seat swap

    Will the rear seat from a 560SEC or any post '89 W126 fit in the W116?
  14. J

    Lumbar Support

    Has anyone experience installing any of the aftermarket lumbar supports in your 116? The seats in my 6.9 are unbearable. Recaros are pricey and the cheapest model has the manual pump-up which insulting for that price. Any ideas?
  15. J

    Lumbar Support

    Has anyone experience installing any of the aftermarket lumbar supports in your 116? The seats in my 6.9 are unbearable. Recaros are pricey and the cheapest model has the manual pump-up which insulting for that price. Any ideas?
  16. J

    Oil Pressure Puzzle

    Hoping someone with 6.9 could solve a mystery problem of inconsistent oil pressure by taking note of a couple of items on theirs when they check their oil level, on a car that had been sitting overnight and report back. Do this without starting the car:(1) when you removed/unscrewed the cap did...
  17. J

    transmission swap

    Before embarking on the project would like confirmation from anyone that, other than removal of the circulation pump and related tubing, there should be no problem in swaping out the US trans. for a euro on the 6.9, correct?
  18. J

    6.9 oil pressure problem

    Some time back I had a mechanic replace the sump on my 6.9 which had been cracked. Ever since that job, I have a decrease in oil presure when I make a left hand turn. Pressure remains constant when the car turns to the right. I am theorizing that centrufigal force is letting oil move towards the...
  19. J

    6.9 suspension modification

    Guys, I apologize in advance but I could'nt fiure out how to post photos on this site. Anyway, if you check out the m-100 site, I've posted a photo of my suspension conversion. Some of you may find it helpful. Did this I the hope of keeping more of these great cars on the road. Many like myself...
  20. J

    Euro 6.9 front molding part number?

    Going to install euro bumpers on my 6.9 but noticed that I will also need that piece/molding of either rubber or plastic that runs across the front on the chasis behind the bumper. Does anyone out there have the part number?