She's a 300hp (220kW) M117 with some interesting options including HPFE, heated orthopedic front seats, split electric rear seats and what seems to be a very cool factory alarm option with high security lock on the boot.
I found the car a few years ago in the Southern suburbs of Melbourne after a mate tipped me off and even from the poor photos I knew it was something special, so I swooped. I wasn't 100% sure it was the 220kW engine, or that the hydro was functioning until I took delivery and I was able to take a closer look. I was over the moon to find the tri Y exhaust and took a quick glance at the front end and thought my dreams had come true, when I saw the struts still fitted. I found it amusing that there were signs of a previous Defect Notice on the windscreen, which probably prompted the PO to sell! I think I got lucky since it seemed the PO didn't know what a rare car he had....
I parked the car for 6 months being distracted with other projects. Re-focused I was able to do a bit of work on her and got the engine running again. The import plate says 1987 but I think it's actually a later car. I thought it had originated from Hong Kong or Japan but a parts supplier said recently it was from South Africa. On closer inspection of the front end something didn't look right and after some research I discovered one of the previous owners had replaced the front struts with 6.9 (or early W126) ones without the third hydro line into the lower ball joint. Presumably because the correct ones were probably NLA new and pre-loved ones were impossible to find....
So began my search for parts and this is what I've been banging on about for so long. Rare parts are VERY hard to find and your patience can be seriously tested. I managed to track down the correct speedo head in the US (thank's BHW) and then I moved onto my long search for struts.
But first I had to move everything to another storage facility.....
I found another HPFE full hydro car, but upon delivery I found one of the front struts had been used for parts and wasn't complete. Without both, I might as well have none. I tried all my contacts OS, including Mercedes Mike who sold a HPFE 560 with spare struts, but I was having no luck whatsoever. Searching the part numbers generally showed suppliers who were advertising new ones for sale, but when asked about actual stock they'd admit that they had none and they were NLA. I did manage to find a ball joint from Styria (thanks) but it needed a dust boot and I sourced a whole strut from OS, but it was in poor condition with a missing metal cup and buggered bump stop.
After searching the net like a madman for 6 months (or more) I managed to find some in Germany for a reasonable price. Trying to explain to someone in German that gas cells cannot be sent air freight and that they must be removed from the struts before shipping was a challenge....
Anyway, it's full steam ahead now as I get each system on the car back in operating order. The list is long and I keep finding problems to rectify, but I have to prioritize and realize it won't be perfect anytime soon. I'm under pressure to get it ready in time, but that's generally when I work the best.
I called her Dora 2, since Dora 1 (a Euro 6.9) will be sold with too many projects on the go. I liked the name Dora, since it was the same name given to the world's biggest rail gun; made in Germany of course!!