Recent content by john erbe

  1. J

    Euro Headlamp Bushing DIY Replacement

    Found possible replacement for these hard to get bushings. There are three that center the reflector of two different lengths but with the same diameter. Classic Center has the shorter size, not the longer. Grainger supplies polyurethane rods of different sizes and durometer rating. The original...
  2. J

    Part Search Aide

    Just learned this very useful aide today from Jon at Classic Center. Some of you may have known this already. In the Google search bar put in the Mercedes part number. Straight. No hyphens. No spaces. No MB identifiers. Your part will show with all kinds of related info including price and...
  3. J

    6.9 leather seats

    Here you go...
  4. J

    6.9 leather seats

    Agreed. My back seat had a tear and I am not a big fan of those pleats. My solution was to install the rear seats of a 420 in my 6.9. Just finished the project today. If you want to see the final result I posted today on the 116 Forum. Having trouble attaching photos here.
  5. J

    6.3 At Good Price

    Craigs List, San Francisco Bay Area: A '72 6.3 with only 54K miles for $67K.
  6. J

    Volvo (truck) hydrogen fuel cell

    Relatedly Stryia, years back I bought one of those kits where you got a small tank filled with water and electrodes at each end. Once energized produces hydrogen gas running up a hose to your air intake. Reportedly will increase power and mpgs. Still in box but plan to install in 6.9. Will...
  7. J

    water pump

    I'll have to check on the rubber suspension block. Something in my memory tells me I may have thrown that in when the guys showed up for the engine. I'll get back on that. I assume that the alloy housing remained on the car with the new pump.
  8. J

    6.9 High Pressure Steering Hose

    Relatedly, the hose i took off the '85 500 had a wider diameter than the original and appeared more robust. I later went to another wrecker and attempted to get a back-up off an '87 and noted that it appeared identical to my original hose with the same smaller diameter and the protective sleeve...
  9. J

    water pump

    Styria, months later now I just see your message. My apologies for this late response. I recently sold the fog lamps for $25. Cheap I know but, need to clear things out and they weren't moving. Regarding the water pump, it's my original rebuilt. I've decided to hang on to it. Relatedly, I sold...
  10. J

    6.9 High Pressure Steering Hose

    I'm here to serve.
  11. J

    6.9 High Pressure Steering Hose

    In that it's NLA for the 6.9 , pleased to report that the same hose from the 126 chassis (V8) appears interchangeable. Installed one today on my 6.9 from an '85 gleaned at local Pic N' Pull. After test drive with many turns, no moaning or groaning. Length and end fittings are identical.
  12. J

    6.9 High Pressure Steering Hose

    How many bars or psi does it need to be rated at? I need to have one made. Thought i read somewhere that it's rated higher than the 450SEL.
  13. J

    water pump

    For comparison, here is a picture of the pump off my 6.9, with some other items, which I had rebuilt and actually have for sale.
  14. J

    6.9 Engine Mods by MKB

    Anyone have an idea or data as to how much off a performance increase you get for just the " Enlarged and polished intake and exhaust ports" on the heads?
  15. J

    Fan Clutch

    My understanding is that, unlike many cars, you cant spin the fan with engine off on a 6.9. If it wheels freely,your fan clutch is shot, correct?