Hi OBH, I guess you was a bit lucky with them injectors - because, if you had to buy new, they'd be worth an absolute fortune. They are similar types to the units for the 6.3 and CraigS did, at some time, quote something like about twelve hundred hot ones for each one - the 6.3, that is.Multiply that times eight if you had to replace the lot. [...]
Thanks, Styria/Mod.
Is that all? I was recently quoted $
3300 EACH.

I believe that whilst similar to those in the 6.3 they are not interchangeable with them. And they are different for the 2-plunger injection pump compared with the 6-plunger jobbie (mine's the 6-plunger).
Went for another 80-mile drive at the weekend and Béla performed admirably. The only hiccough was at about the 70-mile mark where he started to hint at losing power going full-bore up a large hill. I pulled over at the summit and changed the temporary inline fuel filter -- element was black as the ace of spades, fuel was like weak-ish black coffee, and again there was a lot of gritty sediment in the can. Bunged the new filter in and drove off into the sunset without further ado.
The next day I took my 81-year-old mother for a Sunday drive in Béla; she had never seen the car before, and her comment on arrival at destination was "magic carpet". Mum now wants "gasbags", as she calls them

, fitted to her wheelchair!
Yesterday I gave the steering wheel a bleaching to kill 43 years' worth of sweaty-hand grot in the cracks, and the improvement is very satisfying. (Forgot to take "before" pics, dammit, so no point in "after" pics for comparison, though when I refit the wheel later today I shall snap a photo of it.)
My rear leveling valve is the later, rebuildable type (and was allegedly rebuilt not long before I acquired the car). January is the scheduled month for sorting the suspension. I have ordered a full set of O-rings for starters, and shall probably go for a compressor rebuild / replacement too, as it just doesn't seem to be making enough pressure. (The white light on the dash never goes out, which I interpret to mean that pressure is not reaching the desired minimum of 140 psi -- let alone the more desirable 170 psi; either that or the leak is
really bad, though not bad enough to not correctly suspend the car when engine is running.) I'm fortunate in having a local friend -- who owns two air-suspended Benzes (W112 300SE and W109 300SEL 6.3) -- who understands these systems and who maintains / repairs his own. There's not another soul closer than 200 km who knows anything about it.
Headrests: No idea if original or not. They may have been fitted when the seats were partially retrimmed (and not that well, unfortunately: the retrimmer has used thick, soft foam that leaves the seats looking over-stuffed and that feels far too soft. A job for Parks some time -- when I have a bankful of moolah to spend on it).